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10 Healthy Hair Tips for Men: The Ultimate Guide!

The key to having healthy hair and maintaining it

The key to having healthy hair and maintaining it lies in having a smart routine that enables you to enjoy life while not costing you strong hair, so, here are my best tips that will surely help you to nail the hair game! Some of these tips can feel a little disruptive due to the nature of them, and some quite easy yet once you get yourself accustom to the changes, so will your hair!


We’ve been taught wrong! Many of us - actually the majority of the people have been taught to wash our hair daily and I used to be one of them but no more! You only need to wash your hair 2x or 3x per week depending upon your activity level and the area that you live in, you also need to include the dry shampoo in your hair wash routine so if you’re on a low to moderate activity level (if you work from office or home and go out less) then wash your hair 2x per week and use Dry Shampoo.

Make your washes count! This is key to a better hair routine. The first step is, know your hair type and how to treat it. Knowing this information can help you solve many of your hair issues, like Frizzy hair, split-ends, and even scalp issues. For example: if you have curly and thick hair you may want to introduce “co-washing for men” which is replacing shampooing to only conditioning so that you can active more moisture and keep your hair hydrated and healthy. If you find yourself having a oily scalp you may want to shampoo more often.

If you’re highly active (work outside and live in a dry area where there is more wind and pollution) then wash 3x per week and use dry shampoo! This way you won’t hurt your hair by daily jacking out natural hair oils from washing them every day.


There’s a saying “you are what you eat”, your body replaces dead cells with new cells and those new cells are indirectly generated from what you eat! Protein plays a dominating role when it comes to hair growth and hair health so, having a diet that has enough protein, it makes sure that your body including your hair stays strong and healthy furthermore, consuming green vegetables and completing your daily vitamin intake is as important as consuming protein, follow:

80/20 rule
80% whole foods and 20% of all the junk you love!

This will not only help you keep you hair healthy but also can help with your muscle routine and you never know, maybe you’ll look like Hugh Jackman with amazing hair!


Need some hair advice? Check here!

If you want to have healthy hair for the long run then it is imperative that you choose your hair products meticulously and by that I mean watch the ingredients when you’re buying shampoo, conditioner, hair styling products, etc. They shouldn’t have any harmful elements that’ll end up costing you healthy hair, so, stick to natural and high-quality shampooconditionerhair oils, etc!

The way I think about my hair is a fine motor that runs on oil just like the car you drive. You need to make sure you provide your car with the best lubricants so it can function best and drive for a long time. Only take care of the hairs you want to keep!


This tip will change your hair game and will make your hair healthy… You need to have basic rules to follow! Here’s a blueprint, then you can organize it according to your schedule, firstly, when you’re going out and need to look decent, use a blow-dryer and your hair product otherwise stick to natural style, this way you’ll end up using less hair styling products and less blow-drying. Secondly, use hair oils before washing your hair. - Apply hair oil 2 minutes before washing your hair this way it’ll retain more oils and will help your hair to stay nourished and moisturized. Third, using products according to seasons is extremely important for example, in summer try to go light and breezy (use fewer hair products and avoid applying heat to your hair) this way you’ll not only end up having a healthy hair but also having a different look to style with!


You might be wondering what’s a hair recovery kit? Well, it’s exactly what it sounds, a bunch of hair products whose sole purpose is to give your hair nourishment and get your hair back on track from those daily intense blow-drying and using hair products (which may cause damage to your hair), it’s going to be 5 products : 3 hair oils it can be any hair oil but they have to be different (obviously) I recommend argan oilcoconut oilrosemary oil and 1 leave-in conditioner, 1 hair mask utilize these products at least 6-7 times in a month or include them smartly in your weekly schedule.


We all have good and bad hair days but if you want more good ones than bad ones, you must try this method. I’ve been doing this for the past 2 years and it has never let me down. If your hair has gotten rough, weak or bad in any manner due to irregular routine or whatsoever reason then go blow-dry free and keep it light and breezy for a month and focus on getting your hair back on track by nourishing it as mentioned earlier, obviously, you’ll need a smart haircut which looks good on you even if you’re not styling it intensely. There are many good short looks you can play with and usually the creams or repair lotions you will apply will give you some structure so you won’t need to go “fully natural”.

Give this a go and I’m sure you’ll thank me later! Hide your blow-dryer!


A smart haircut is the best choice for those who want good hair with a low maintenance. Short sides and top will allow for more versatile hairstyles and will keep you looking clean and present a neat appearance. There are many option you can go with and the only homework you have is just to figure out your face shape and see what hairstyle best suits your face shape.

Check out this guide to get a perfect haircut according to your hair type and face type!.


It’s imperative to stay stress-free as much as possible because studies have shown that too much stress can play a factor in hair loss for men. The amount of tension can contribute to hair loss in the long run so do something to release your stress and try to organize your thoughts so that you can find the solutions and stay stress-free!

Here are some reliable methods of staying stress-free. Stress in itself is not bad, it’s how you manage it and hold on to it that makes the impact. We all need stress in our lives. I like to hit the boxing gym daily to take out all my workday aggression and highly recommend finding an outlet for you to release your tension.


It would have taken a lot of irregularities for you to end up having weak hair, so analyze and see what you’ve been doing wrong to mess up your hair game and try to avoid it, have a hard reset and plan your schedule form scratch and stay consistent. Know what you did weeks before that could have contributed to any type of hair irregularities and figure it out. Once you have a game plan in set, check in every month or once a quarter.


We all have some bad habits, they’re usually costing us things that we may not know! Having addictions like smoking, drinking or consumption of any kind of drug will end up costing you not only healthy hair but also a healthy life and I understand it’s 2020 partying is also important but the most important thing is finding the right balance, in short try keeping your party side as minimal as possible and or not indulging too often or simply not partaking in such activities like smoking or doing drugs while partying.

The goal is to keep a balanced life. If you do want to live it up make sure you’re keeping your mind and body in check as well. No one wants to go down a rabbit hole of bad habits.