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5 Full Body Habits You Should Adopt for Success

Let’s break down these healthy habits

1. Cold Showers 

2. Exercise your body 

3. Write Down Your Goals

4. Be mindful of what you eat

5. Dress Yourself up!

1. Cold Shower

Taking a cold shower early in the morning or at the end of your day commonly comes challenging to many of you ESPECIALLY if you’re used to warm water. “But” cool showers actually offer benefits to the body and could help improve health in many ways, from relaxing the mind to improving the skin and reducing fats and it’s A  pure challenge of COMMITMENT

Some reasons to embrace a cold and try to enjoy the benefits of a cool shower are: 

1. Promotes fat loss 

Yes, simply pouring ice cold water to the body can help cut weight. Cool showers activate brown fat, which generates heat around the body

The increased activity of the “good fat” burns calories to keep the body warm. And a Research even showed that cold temperatures can boost brown fat by 15 times higher than the normal amount.

2.Promotes emotional resilience

A study showed that cold showers can help develop a nervous system that is resilient to stress. Just the effort alone serves as a small form of oxidative stress, which the body would adapt overtime and teach the brain to prepare for stress.

3. My favorite because I work out 5 days a week this Promotes faster muscle recovery

A 2009 study showed that an ice bath after intense training improves circulation and helps remove some lactic acid, which could speed up the body’s recovery. You see all the major athletics still doing it and that’s for a reason. 

4.Enhances skin and hair

The benefits of taking a cold shower not only give better health, but also make people look better. Ice cold water can help reduce the risk of losing too many natural oils on the skin and hair, according to dermatologists.

It also helps make the hair appear shiny and strengthens their grip to the scalp. 

5. Ensures better sleep at night  

A 10-minute ice bath could help people get incredible sleep at night, a cold shower gives elephant tranquilizer-like effect that will put you straight to bed. Trust me when your mind and body are fully reactive to feeling out of place, a lot of energy is being used,without you even moving.

2. Exercise your body 

Ok, so this without a doubt should be on top of your list of things. In order to live you’re going to have to keep yourself mobile. So before we talk about crazy workout, set a schedule for yourself.

How many days a week should you work out?

If you want to work out five days per week and are working on both strength and cardiovascular fitness, try three days of strength training, two days of cardio, and two days of active rest. If you only want to work out four days a week, think about your goals: If you want to add muscle, cut a cardio day. 

Or even try walking! 

Completing an extra 10,000 steps each day typically burns about 2000 to 3500 extra calories each week. One pound of body fat equals 3500 calories, so depending on your weight and workout intensity, you could lose about one pound per week simply by completing an extra 10,000 steps each day

3. Write Down Your Goal

Earl Nightingale said: 

“Think of a ship with the complete voyage mapped out and planned. The captain and crew know exactly where the ship is going and how long it will take and it has a definite goal. And 9,999 times out of 10,000, it will get there.  Now let’s take another ship and just like the first and only let’s not put a crew on it, or a captain at the helm. Let’s give it no aiming point, no goal, and no destination. We just start the engines and let it go. I think you’ll agree that if it gets out of the harbor at all, it will either sink or wind up on some deserted beach and a derelict. It can’t go anyplace because it has no destination and no guidance.”

Regardless of how big or small your goals are, make it a habit to write them down, to remind you of where you’re going, to think of what you’re going to have and this will result in a winning mentality.

4. Be mindful of what you eat

Why should you ? 

Today’s fast-paced society tempts people with an abundance of food choices.

On top of that, distractions have shifted attention away from the actual act of eating toward televisions, computers, and smartphones.

Eating has become a mindless act, often done quickly. This can be problematic, since it takes your brain up to 20 minutes to realize you’re full.

If you eat too fast, the fullness signal may not arrive until you have already eaten too much. This is very common in binge eating.

By eating mindfully, you restore your attention and slow down, making eating an intentional act instead of an automatic one.

What’s more, by increasing your recognition of physical hunger and fullness cues, you are able to distinguish between emotional and true, physical hunger 

You also increase your awareness of triggers that make you want to eat, even though you’re not necessarily hungry.

By knowing your triggers, you can create a space between them and your response, giving you the time and freedom to choose how to react.

5. Dress Yourself up!

When you feel good about what you're wearing, your confidence will shine, and people will have a hard time ignoring you. Dressing up elicits feelings of power and leadership, and some research suggests that it can change a person's thought process and the way he or she perceives the world.

When you feel like the best version of yourself, you’ll act like it too. 

Suit yourself in something that feels right to you. Do a little more than normal and take time to prep yourself. You’ll see a sudden shift in confidence.

What healthy habits are you practicing everyday to win?