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Reasons You Might Be Killing Your Hair (Starting at a Young Age)

Bad hair habits can lead to more damage than you think…

It pays to look and feel good, its everything but is a method to your madness!

I know, I know, you’re freaking out and you think you’re losing hair like your car is burning oil…

Hair loss to complete boldness does not happen overnight, so the fact that you’re shedding hair can mean you might be doing a bad hair routine or none at all. 

Today we are going talk through some reasons your might be killing your hair and some tips on how you can maintain the hair you have!


A lot of people are confused about how you should shampoo - should you dig side to side, in a circular motion, should you wash with only cold water, and should it take you 10 mins to do so? … The first thing we need to address is YES, you should and can wash your hair with warm water. It feels good and it opens up the pores to absorb the good things in your shampoo and conditioner.

Now switching to cold water after this is a good idea and feels amazing, especially if you’re using a minty shampoo treatment. 

When you’re shampooing, please make sure you are gently massaging your hair gently side to side and don’t be too rough. It won’t help. A circular motion, This will just make your hair tangled and will be harder to brush out after your shower. This can cause breakage and split-ends. Overall unhealthy hair.

wrong hairbrush

Next thing - you’re probably using the wrong hairbrush.

When it comes to choosing the right brush, this totally depends on your hair type. If you have straight hair, you’re safe to use a ceramic round brush as it has more slip and will gently smooth out your hair. If you have more wavy hair to curly hair, you will need a natural bristle brush that can smoothly release that curl with more tension. With a natural brush, as you blow-dry it will not heat the bristles as much as a ceramic one, meaning that it won’t fry your hair. Less frizz and breakage which is what you need for your curly to wavy mane.

Take a look at your hair and if your see a lot of flyaway hairs or your hair is feeling damaged, your brush can be the issue.

Hair product

You’re using too many hair products. I know it’s hair to skip over that new hair product ad and by now your medicine cabinet is overflowing with different hair products. But the reality is that your hair is like your face and you should treat it the same way. What I mean is, when you’re introducing your skin to a new routine, it takes time to cycle in. Sometimes you may breakout, experience dry and irritate skin, and that’s exactly how our scalp will react. Like any pores in on your body, the way they function is read whats on the surface and use cells to allow how whatever you’re applying will enter your body. This is why it’s also very important to use products with healthy ingredients.

Cut down on the different types of products you use. Stick to one.

Generally, I style my hair the same way every day and know I like a matte finish product. So I use Chaptr Styling Cream that allows for a versatile hairstyle and a matte finish with a great hold. By doing this I’m balancing my scalp follicles and essentially training it to know how to handle and ingest the ingredients in my product.

Hair Routine

Lastly, you don’t have a hair routine on lock

This is very important. Think of it like a car, you need a maintenance plan and without one, you might cause damages that can’t be fixed or ongoing issues that could have been prevented by doing the right thing at the right time.

Here is a routine for frizzy and dry hair.

While blowdrying, use a protectant, this will act as a “seatbelt” and will protect your hair from drying out and breaking which causes messy frizz. Second, incorporate a moisturizer 2-3 times a week…This will help feed your hair follicles and keep them healthy. I use a smoothing lotion for frizz control that is packed with vitamin E and UV protectants to keep frizz and flyaway hairs away.

The products I use are from Chaptr and will be released very soon!

A good routine will not only allow your hair scalp to get use to the products, it will learn how to react which means more “good hair days” for you.