Proper Cloth X Carlos Roberto Capsule Collection (Now Available)


Carlos Robertos Capsule Collection


Use code CARLOS10 at checkout for 10% off your first order

I remember when I first started my journey of building my wardrobe. It felt like I would never have enough pieces to complete my style and was always adding more unnecessary items because I did not know how to define my style. The more I looked at my wardrobe, the more I felt confused as I was adding more pieces to my collection of clothes but it never seems to make sense.

After spending a lot of money and falling out of love with pieces I thought I would always keep, I realized that there were certain key items in a wardrobe that can add value in color, cut, and style.

These pieces were not set by trends and were defined by their history in the timeline of fashion.

That’s when I met Proper Cloth and their collection. I slowly began to dissect what I needed in my wardrobe and think of colors and cuts. After making a few purchases and getting familiar with their custom feature, the pieces in my wardrobe started to feel timeless and my business wear started to feel more playful, and more versatile.

Shortly after I knew that I needed to collaborate with Proper Cloth and truly give my audience a proper introduction which was much more than just a link to a shirt or trousers - I wanted to create a capsule collection.

In essence a shopping guide. Some direction in what I have learned throughout the years an essential wardrobe truly is.

“If there's anyone that knows how to put together a staple collection, it's Carlos. His style is tried and true, and one to seamlessly fit into any occasion. Carlos has exclusively put together his favorite picks from the brand ranging from every day pieces for business or leisure.”

-Proper Cloth

This capsule collection consists of statement pieces that can consistently be in rotation and combine well with a pre-existing.

I took into account what a starter wardrobe looks like and added valuable pieces which may allow you to get more outfits with your pieces. This entire capsule allows you to have more than 90 outfits, giving you versatility with a classic men’s wardrobe

If you’re looking to build a collection with suits, business casual, or more a ready to wear look it’ll all be possible with this collection.

I am excited to share this well-thought out capsule collection using the best quality fabrics and a choice of customizing your sizes for a made-to-measure experience.

I want my followers have a good relationship with clothes and feel confident with that they’re wearing. If I can help a few enhance their style with a or a few essential pieces, this will make my work all worth it.