Posts in Fashion
5 Top Iconic Stylish Movies & How To Get The Look

When it comes to classic cinemas, there are tales that all men know due to action, nudity or a badass protagonist. We've seen them all from Van Dam to Rober De Niro. Aside from the drug-moving, money-getting, women-slayer, there is one thing that always sticks with us. Something that doesn't mean putting the average Joe in the big house, which is, their wardrobe. 

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How To Identify Your Hair Type

In order to find a hairstyle that works for you, you must first know how to determine your hair type. This is essential because each hair type moves differently, grows differently, and responds differently to men's hair products when they are used.

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Reduce Social Anxiety - 16 Best Things To Talk About

Have you ever found yourself wanting to go out more, wanting more friends and having a confident social muscle that can begin and maintain a good conversation?

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