1. Introduction and Goal Setting:

- We'll start by discussing your main objective and problem, which is building an essential wardrobe within different budget ranges.

- We'll talk about your preferences, personal style, and how you want to present yourself through your clothing choices.

2. Lifestyle Analysis:

- To create an essential wardrobe that aligns with your lifestyle, we'll delve into understanding how you live your daily life.

- We'll discuss your activities, work environment, hobbies, and any specific dress codes you need to consider.

3. Style Exploration and Evolution:

- This part of the consultation will focus on exploring different styles to find the one that resonates with you the most.

- We'll go through various fashion references, trends, and iconic looks to help define your style evolution.

4. Budget-Friendly Tips and Strategies:

- We'll address the misconception that a great wardrobe requires a large budget.

- I'll provide you with practical tips and strategies to work with what you have and make the most of your budget.

5. One-on-One Consultations:

- We'll have two individual consultations, each lasting 45 minutes to an hour.

- During these sessions, we'll dive deeper into your preferences, explore outfit combinations, and refine your style further.

6. Recap and Recommendations:

- Toward the end of our consultation sessions, I'll summarize our discussions and help you understand your style better.

- I'll provide a list of stores tailored to your budget, where you can find key styling items for your essential wardrobe.

By the end of our consultation, you can expect to have a clear understanding of your style, how it fits your lifestyle, and the key items you should have in your wardrobe. You'll also receive personalized recommendations and a curated list of stores to shop from.